
Anxiety Cognitive Therapy :Tips On The Cognitive Approach...

There are a few types of therapy for treating certain anxiety disorders. Nowadays, everyone doesn't hesitate to fill their bodies up with pills as a bandage for their real problems. With these methods, you won't need to bother with drugs to deal with your anxiety. Most drugs or pills are temporary, and are usually not very good for your body.

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My brother Ben really needs some type of anxiety cognitive therapy. He really has been having some problems lately.

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Understanding Post Traumatic Stress

By: Bambang Hermanto

If you have gone through a traumatic or awful experience and have trouble going back to your normal life then you may be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. It is a disorder of the human mind that can be triggered following an event that has threatened your safety and made you feel helpless. PTSD is often diagnosed among the combat veterans several months after leaving the battlefields. However, any overwhelming situations and mental instability can also cause this disorder. These unique and extraordinary situations can trigger PTSD in anybody at anytime.

Post traumatic stress disorder can affect people who have experienced a traumatic event and those who have witnessed that event. Furthermore, it also can affect the sufferer's family and friends. Some of the common events that can lead to this disorder include war, violent assault, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, earthquakes, hurricanes, physical abuses, rape, medical side effects, nuclear bombings, car accidents and kidnapping situations. It is natural for someone to suffer from this anxiety disorder if he/she loses the confidence of being safe and sense of trust. A number of researches have found that PTSD sufferers are at higher risk for health related complications such as high blood pressure, infertility and heart disease.

Most people who have gone through a traumatic event tend to experience symptoms such as having frequent bad dreams, feeling unsafe and being fearful most of the time. It would be highly impossible for PTSD sufferers to stop thinking about their past traumatic experiences. Every now and then they may experience flash backs of those events. These symptoms can come and go at anytime with or without something to trigger them. They can occur even after months and years from the day when the actual event had happened.

Fortunately, there are some treatment options available to deal with PTSD. They include counseling, therapy and mediation. The most effective treatment is using psychotherapy. It is a process of treating physiological disorder by talking about your stress and its problems. Since each individual is unique, the topics that are discussed during the therapy may differ from one person to another. During the therapy sessions, you will be exposed to those traumatic events using both hypnotic and real life exposure. These exposures help you confront the root cause of your PTSD. Some doctors would prescribe anti-anxiety medications such as Prozac, Zoloft, Valium, Xanax and Cymbalta in conjunction with the psychotherapy.

B Hermanto is the publisher of []Anxiety Disorder Web Site that helps people to []deal with depression and anxiety.

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What is cognitive therapy for anxiety all about? My cousin Jill gets so nervous whenever she is in front of a large crowd.

Next time Peter has any issues with being really scared of anything, try and find some anxiety cognitive behavioral therapy so that he can get over his fears once and for all.

How Behavioral ADHD Therapy Can Help Your Child to Change
By Laura Ramirez

ADHD therapy can be used along with drugs or natural remedies to help kids learn to cope with symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and overcome them. In this article, you'll learn the benefits of this type therapy (which you can learn to do at home) and what to look for in a good program.

All children need to learn coping strategies that will help them learn to curb impulses and concentrate in the face of distractions, but this is particularly true for kids with ADHD. Learning these methods can help kids improve their behavior, performance and the ability to form close relationships with others. Since behavioral therapy does not necessarily involve prescription medications, it is usually considered a form of ADHD alternative therapy. Of course, behavioral therapy can be used along with prescription drugs or homeopathic remedies to improve their effectiveness.

The reason behavioral ADHD therapy works is clear: you are teaching the child positive coping mechanisms that will help him in a variety of situations. As a child learns new ways of behaving, he will have control over his behavior and will not need to resort to outbursts or meltdowns. When a child learns how to relax himself when he notices that he is fidgeting or becoming hyperactive, he will be able to use this skill at home and at school to settle down and focus. It's empowering for a child to discover that he can control his behavior.

To find an ADHD alternative therapy that will be effective for your child, here are some of the things that you should look for:

The program should be an at-home program. This allows you to teach your child simple, yet effective skills that he can practice at home and use at school to do better and feel better. By teaching your child these skills yourself, rather than finding a therapist to do it, you will grow closer to your child and increase his respect for you.
The behavioral program should teach parents how to show children quick and easy ways to make changes in behavior. This will motivate parent and child and will show them that it is possible for the child to change his behavior.
The ADHD therapy should include biofeedback to teach a child how to relax himself. This will help him soothe and calm himself when he notices that he is becoming hyperactive, feeling anxious or on the verge of an outburst.
The program should have behavioral charts that you can use to motivate positive behaviors in your child. The charts will give your child immediate feedback and help him see how his behavior has improved over time.
The company that offers the alternative ADHD therapy program should have enough confidence in their product to offer a trial or money-back guarantee.

So there you have it: behavioral []ADHD therapy is a great way for you to help your child to change. As your child starts to do better, he will feel better about himself which will create further motivation for growth and change. An empowered child is a happy child who has a positive outlook on life and the belief that while he can't control everything that happens to him, he can control his own behavior.

Laura Ramirez is a dedicated researcher and avid supporter of nutrition and behavioral solutions for kids with ADHD. She also reviews behavioral tools such as []Total Focus which helps parents teach their children how to control impulses, relax, concentrate and stay on task.

Ms. Ramirez is also the author of the award-winning parenting book, Keepers of the Children: Native American Wisdom and Parenting which teaches parents how to raise kids to act from strength and integrity.

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Related comments:

We tried out anxiety cognitive behavior therapy when my brother Tim told us about how he had these attacks every time someone would call on him to read.

I had to do a research paper on cognitive therapy and anxiety last week. This week, we are having to pick up where we left off, so I will probably have to do some other kind of anxiety assignment.